Saturday, December 29, 2007

Son Socks -- Finally

DS1 asked me to knit him socks for his birthday in April -- one problem -- I didn't know how to knit socks! I finally got up the courage to try in July, and knit DH a pair (which he hates). Then I started knitting socks for myself, that way if they weren't great, I would be the only one fussing about them. After a few months, I was ready to start working on DS1 Christmas socks.

Next problem -- wool socks need TLC, not exactly what men are known for (when it comes to laundry). So, I searched for sock yarn that was son friendly and finally settled on plain old Wool-Ease. They're relatively thick, but he can throw them in the washer and dryer.

Now everyone wants socks! Unfortunately for my sons, my sock yarn stash consists of pinks and purples! Teehee, more for me.

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